Thursday, January 15

The Quest - Part 2 - ramblings on change....

Ok, so tonight on our drive home, my DH was on the phone with his mom who lives in CO.  She is elderly & has problems getting around, so she's having to be very reliant on others to 'meet her needs'... to bring her groceries, for example.  This has been going on for quite some time & I finally had had enough!  I swear if I have to hear her say she's OUT of TP one more time!...
So as soon as we got home I went to the website of the grocery store that I know is near her house & created an order for her online for delivery tomorrow.   Problem solved. Right? ;)
Well, yes, immediate problem solved.  BUT (you knew there'd be a 'but', right!?)

The process of doing this REALLY made it clear to me just how much my attitude towards food & grocery shopping has changed over the last 6 months or so... really more in the last 3 months, actually.  Right about when I starting blogging, and finding all these wonderfully informative blogs is when I really began my transformation.  
I used to shop at Costco & Vons primarily, I used to buy soda every time I went!  I would occasionally shop for specific things at Trader Joe's, but that was about the extent of my 'grocery world'.   I used to cook a lot from scratch, being a trained chef, I tend to want to do it myself properly & use good ingredients... but boy, do I have a whole new perspective on that as well!
Now I'm on the verge of canceling my Costco membership, I rarely step in Vons and when I do, it usually involves an organic produce purchase & using the ATM! ;)  After much research, I'm about to place my first order with Azure Standard for grains & other staples (even though I have to drive about 30 minutes on a Tuesday night to pick up my order!  Thus I'm trying to only order quarterly...)   I can't wait until 2/3 when I can pick up my gynormous order of grains, beans, seeds, eggs, raw cheeses, Pectin (for my Jam),  raw honey, organic cane sugar, and seeds for my garden!!!
I buy a few things regularly on Amazon, they carry a huge variety of Organic snack items as well as grains & seeds... I do "Subscribe&Save" so I can get an extra 15% off, can choose how often I want that item, get free shipping on everything & I can still cancel anytime.  The things I usually buy from Amazon are:
  • Organic Agave Nectar - Madhava (2-46 oz. jugs for $18)
  • Organic Maple Syrup (although I have since discovered that Trader Joe's price is better, although I can't remember if it's Organic) - B Grade is $44 for 2-32 oz. jugs & A Grade is $20 for 1-32 oz. jug
  • Scarpetta Pasta Sauces (not organic, but simply the yummiest store bought sauces I've ever tried (they are about $4-5 each (and only come in 4 packs), but the Tuscan Vodka Sauce is mind blowing!)
  • Izze Juices in small cans (this is our portable, away from home replacement for soda)
  • Organic Coffee, I have tried a couple different ones, but recently stumbled across one that sounds really great!  It's called Larry's Beans Fair Trade Frenchy French Roast, it's Whole Bean of course & is about $40 for 5 pounds, that's about $8/lb.!!  A little less than the Starbucks 2/5 lb. bag I usually buy at Costco, and it's NOT Starbucks!   ;)
  • Organic Jerky (Golden Valley Natural) - haven't tried it yet...
  • Organic Light-on-the-Sugar Oatmeal (Dr. McDougall's Right Foods)
(Now, before you judge anything on that list, please keep in mind that we both work full-time & my DS is almost 13 and packs a lunch everyday for school, no cafeteria junk for him anymore!)

I've been frantically searching for a CSA delivery or pick up, but so far the best thing I've found is SPUD.  However, I live just on the border of LA County, but IN Ventura County, so SPUD won't deliver all the way to my house.  Of course, being the tenacious & determined gal that I am, I have figured out work-around, but it becomes complicated.  I have to 'use' a friend for her address & then coordinate a meeting or a pick up at her house every 2 weeks.  It's d0-able, but hardly the convenient organic produce delivery I am dreaming of....
Today I discovered Tierra Miguel Farms, the farms itself is 120 miles away, all the way in No. San Diego County, but they have pick up points as close as 30 minutes away from me, so I'm looking into that.  I'd much rather support a local CSA, but the only one I can find is not organic, so it seems like a lot of $$ for not as many nutrients...?
As in my Milk Post, I described that I've completely switched the family to Raw Milk & Cream - Organic Pastures also sells meat & really truly RAW Almonds (did you know that a new law passed that makes all Almonds be Flash Steam Pasteurized??!!!  and did you know that they are still allowed to label them as "raw"??!!! - aren't you horrified?)  Anyway, from the raw milk, I make Kephir, from the cream, I make Sour Cream pretty regularly (it is SO good) & am hoping to get in the habit of making my own butter on a regular basis.
I've been trying some different bread recipes over the past several months, and although a few have been good, I still haven't really found what I'm looking for.  But my hope it to be making bread from Soaked and/or Sprouted rains on a regular basis & giving/selling it to friends & co-workers as well as feeding my own family, of course!  My DH's boss is begging for me to make & sell her bread!  I guess I'd better get started! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin!
This is Adriana from spud! Los Angeles. Thank you so much for the mention. I can't believe what you have to go through just to receive our service! This has been inspiring, so we wanted to let you know that we are currently working on expanding our delivery route into the Malibu / Ventura area! Please help us spread the word!The sooner people in your area come together and sign up (or send in a request),the sooner we can build a new route :)Thanks for sharing your story Erin.I can not tell you how much we appreciate customers like you.
spud! happy.

Bloggy Friends


My photo
Santa Susana, Ventura County, CA, United States
Me? Well....I have a day job selling travel to beautiful far away lands, and I love to travel - my job sort of supports & feeds the 'travel monster' inside me. But my other inner monster is: food in all it's facets. I have a 13 yr old DS from a previous life, and married the lovely JoeBacon a three years ago! I finally became a home-owner at that point, we did a huge addition/re-model right away to make the house a bit bigger & I got a wonderful new kitchen out of the deal! I've gone thru Culinary School twice (mostly for fun) 'cuz I love to cook! And thru reading/doing the Maker's Diet 2 years ago, became aware of Sally Fallon, Weston Price, etc...and now after about 9 months of exploring their world, I'm trying to really make it all part of mine. I've had some things turn out great & others have been miserable failures, but I'm learning a LOT (mostly from my fellow NT Bloggers)!! Now I'm enjoying my yard, garden, sprouting, baking bread, brewing Kombucha, using raw milk, making Kefir & Yogurt & just trying to find small ways to make yummy food better for us.