Sunday, February 22

Meal Plan Monday... or an attempt thereof:

Ok, I keep mulling this over & over & trying to find a way to make it work for me, the way my life is now (as opposed to the way I wish my life would be!)  Right now, I'm only going to post dinners & basic prep.  I think part of what's making this so daunting to me is trying to do 3 meals a day (not that I don't cook or provide 3 meals a day - at least most of the time) but the planning ahead for all those meals makes me crazy! and seems like a lot of extra work for me right now), so for now, I'm going to just start with dinner, how does that sound?

Monday:  Pork Chops (pan fried w/some sort of reduction sauce), Salad  & Couscous with Pine nuts & Goat Cheese
Prep: Make Yogurt (crockpot), store dried sprouted grains, make Ginger Pear Marmalade, make bread

Tuesday (Book Club at 7:30): Leftover Sweet & Sour Cabbage Soup with homemade bread/butter & roasted Acorn Squash

Wednesday: Not home/eat out - Garden Co-Op Meeting with Tami & Terri - location TBA
Prep: Make Potato/Turnip Mash

Thursday: Shepard's Pie (from Sunday's leftover Chicken stew topped w/Mash & Salad
Prep: Thaw Ground Turkey & beans for Chili, move Kombucha bottles to fridge

Friday: Crockpot chili & cornbread

Saturday: Roast Chicken & root veggies & salad
Prep: Make stock

Sunday: Recycle chicken into Tortilla Soup or tacos...? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wondering...which crockpot yogurt recipe do you use? I never do anything fun with my raw milk, but I saw one at A Year of Crockpotting that looks good.


Bloggy Friends


My photo
Santa Susana, Ventura County, CA, United States
Me? Well....I have a day job selling travel to beautiful far away lands, and I love to travel - my job sort of supports & feeds the 'travel monster' inside me. But my other inner monster is: food in all it's facets. I have a 13 yr old DS from a previous life, and married the lovely JoeBacon a three years ago! I finally became a home-owner at that point, we did a huge addition/re-model right away to make the house a bit bigger & I got a wonderful new kitchen out of the deal! I've gone thru Culinary School twice (mostly for fun) 'cuz I love to cook! And thru reading/doing the Maker's Diet 2 years ago, became aware of Sally Fallon, Weston Price, etc...and now after about 9 months of exploring their world, I'm trying to really make it all part of mine. I've had some things turn out great & others have been miserable failures, but I'm learning a LOT (mostly from my fellow NT Bloggers)!! Now I'm enjoying my yard, garden, sprouting, baking bread, brewing Kombucha, using raw milk, making Kefir & Yogurt & just trying to find small ways to make yummy food better for us.