Monday, March 30

Buttermilk Bicuits

So I try (note the word "try") to make bread on Monday, as we are generally home.  So when I got home, I watered all my babies, by the time Joe & Kanan got home, I was almost done (we gots a lotta babies right now & it's starting to get hot during the days now, and we gots no automatic watering systems at the mo, so it took awhile!)
Anyhoo, so then I started bread, and then it occurred to me that I had no plan for dinner.  What else is new?  So I say to JoeBacon "whaddya want fer dinner?"  and he begins to list every meal that ever sounded good to him.  Helpful, isn't he?
Well, actually, it turns out he is.  The fist thing outta his mouth was "Biscuits & Gravy", and Kanan seconded the guess what I made? ;)
I had no grains soaking, I had no time for stuff like that, but I DID have some sprouted Soft White Wheat Flour (homemade, of course) so I used that for this lovely & simple recipe.
It turned out purty darn good, if'n I do say so misself... ;)  We each had half with butter & jam for dessert! Yum Scrum! (and we have breakfast covered tomorrow!  Woo Hoo (a plan).

Oh, by the way, the bread turned out pretty nice tonight..and I also squeezed in cookin' up some chicken thighs for future meals this week...


vehementflame said...

hey there biscut queen- i hear you on whats for dinner- husbands never are good at helping with that question! (most of the time) you need to drop me a line so I can send you your free spices for losing the vanilla contest! xoxoxo

Jenny @ Nourished Kitchen said...

Those look delicious! I love biscuits, but don't make them too often. Drop biscuits are the best--especially drizzled with honey and a smattering of good quality butter.

vehementflame said...

hi yay swet pea- I didn't forget you - internoet was down and I cul't get to my gmail to get your address, but when I come ut of my cave I'll mail you yer stuff. so please post(or email) step by step prcess on homemade sprouted flour- I'm fine with the sprouting part but hw do you dry them out? on sheet pans? and what kind of mill do you have?I have a nutrimill. xoxoxox

Bloggy Friends


My photo
Santa Susana, Ventura County, CA, United States
Me? Well....I have a day job selling travel to beautiful far away lands, and I love to travel - my job sort of supports & feeds the 'travel monster' inside me. But my other inner monster is: food in all it's facets. I have a 13 yr old DS from a previous life, and married the lovely JoeBacon a three years ago! I finally became a home-owner at that point, we did a huge addition/re-model right away to make the house a bit bigger & I got a wonderful new kitchen out of the deal! I've gone thru Culinary School twice (mostly for fun) 'cuz I love to cook! And thru reading/doing the Maker's Diet 2 years ago, became aware of Sally Fallon, Weston Price, etc...and now after about 9 months of exploring their world, I'm trying to really make it all part of mine. I've had some things turn out great & others have been miserable failures, but I'm learning a LOT (mostly from my fellow NT Bloggers)!! Now I'm enjoying my yard, garden, sprouting, baking bread, brewing Kombucha, using raw milk, making Kefir & Yogurt & just trying to find small ways to make yummy food better for us.